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How to Pressure Wash Roof Shingles

Pressure Wash Roof Shingles

Roof washing is especially important for homes in tropical areas. Apart from the tree leaves and debris, you can also see the moss and lichen growing on the roof shingles. So, you need to clean the roof occasionally to maintain the roof and make it long lasting.

You should not neglect the growth of moss and lichen on your roof. This will easily damage your roof. The wet algae can be slippery, and it is dangerous as well if you or a trades person must work on the roof.

So, if you do not want to fall from your roof then you need to clean it properly with the help of a professional who will do the job well and prevent you from taking on what can be a dangerous task.

The Pressure Washing Procedure:

At the time of pressure washing, you need to use the minimum amount of force as possible to loosen the moss and lichens and clean it from the roof shingles. Here are some important tips to wash roof shingles:

  1. You need to attach the 35-degree of spray nozzle to the pressure washer hose section and fill up the pressure washer with the recommended amount of water and correct cleaner.
    You can remove the green moss simply with the help of normal water. The 35-degree pipe is far easier to cover the wide space. You need to use the correct cleaner to remove the mould.
  2. After that, you need to put a ladder on a point or place from where you can easily get onto the roof section without making any damage or breaking the edge of the roof.
  3. You need to use the power washer at the minimum level and wash it downwardly. You need to hold it from the high position to allow some extra pressure to remove the dirt and debris from the roof shingles.
  4. If you notice any kinds of black moulds, then you should use the cleaner solution. You need to take the safety precautions recommended and use the best cleaner to treat the mould and get rid of it.
  5. After that, you need to wash the roof from top to bottom. It may seem obvious, but you should not wash your roof from side to side as many inexperienced DIY operators could be inclined to do.

The proper roof washing needs some expertise and skill. It needs enough experience to remove dirt and debris from the cracks and between the crevices of the roof shingles.

The professional power washing contractor knows the right type of detergent or cleaning solution. The professional brings the needed and high-quality machine and tools to wash roof shingles.

It Saves Your Money:

This method of roof washing can save a lot of money. Pressure roof washing is one of the best affordable solutions for you.

You can save the cost of the energy and apart from this, you can also increase the value of your property through this method of roof washing because a well-presented property always improves the valuation of your home. You can get back the new and clean roof irrespective of the weather-damaged condition of the roof.

So, hiring the professional and experienced roof cleaning contractors can restore the overall condition of the roof. They can clean the grime, dirt and debris from the roof shingles as well as removing lichens, moss, and black mould.

A thorough power washing also reveals the areas of possible damage to the roof which you arrange to have repaired before greater damage occurs. So, after power washing, a careful inspection of your roof should be mandatory.

Author Bio: This is a promoted post by Kirill Valdez from https://www.ripcityroofcleaning.com/