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Best Vinyl Siding Tools, Cleaners, And Tips

Vinyl Siding Tools

You have invested a lot of time and money into your home, so it makes sense that you want to keep it looking attractive. You never know when you may want to sell it one day in the future or maybe it is that you want to enjoy it for years to come. Either way, it is worth knowing what you can do and taking action to maintain your property, including on the exterior. If your exterior is vinyl it is essential to know about the best vinyl siding tools, cleaners, and tips.

It is because curb appeal matters, and you want your home to look and be beautiful on the inside and out. One reason to clean vinyl siding often is to protect it from being damaged by household maintenance products that may have landed on it while working around the yard, like deck stains, grease or a grease remover, chlorine bleach, and other corrosive solutions.

You will not only be making your home look better in the present moment but also ensuring that you are properly maintaining your property and getting rid of any dirt and grime build-up. The good news is that vinyl siding requires little maintenance in general.

It is not a material that is prone to warping, peeling, or cracking, so you do not have to worry about the hassles that come along with wood siding, such as sanding and painting. However, you should plan on cleaning it to keep it looking attractive and in good shape. You will be glad to know that it is an easy project to tackle.

Reasons to Choose Vinyl Siding

There are several reasons why vinyl siding is a top choice among homeowners. You may have this type of siding on your home now and continue to select it when and if you move or build in the future. It comes in a variety of colours that are aesthetically pleasing and provides excellent insulation which can lower your energy bills. Since it is a slow conductor, homes that are sided with vinyl tend to stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

While cleaning the vinyl siding about once a year is recommended, overall, this type of siding is quite low maintenance. Therefore, it offers exceptional longevity without any special care. It is also the right choice if you are concerned about the environment as it is eco-friendly and one of the “greenest” choices on the market.

Your home will be beautiful and unique looking when you choose from the variety of vinyl siding options out there. There are also various accessories or trims you can apply and use to add more beauty and help your home stand out for all the right reasons.

Most notably, vinyl siding is durable and long-lasting. It is virtually indestructible and is resistant to fading, insects, and harsh weather. It is the right choice for your home if you are looking to enhance the appearance of your property and increase the value. Now that you know more about the benefits of vinyl siding you can learn more about how to keep it clean and maintain it, so it continues to shine and look attractive throughout the years.

Best Cleaning Solutions for Vinyl Siding

While vinyl siding is a durable, versatile, and resilient building material, it does require some routine care and cleaning. There are several choices when it comes to figuring out what the best cleaning solution is for vinyl siding.

Ideally, you will want to plan and gather the right solutions and tools to help you complete this job correctly. You will want to start by coming up with a solution you can use to remove the dirt and stains from your vinyl siding. Regardless of which vinyl siding cleaners you go with, you will want to rinse your vinyl siding thoroughly after washing it.

Choice 1:
Use a bucket and fill it with 70% water and 30% white vinegar. By doing this you will be creating an all-purpose cleaner to remove mold and mildew.

Choice 2:
You can also choose to mix one-third cup of powdered laundry detergent, two-thirds cup of powdered household cleaner, one-quart liquid laundry bleach, and a gallon of water which will result in a stronger solution.

Choice 3:
To remove the tough dirt and stains that may be on your vinyl siding, you can use household cleaners like Windex and Lysol.

Choice 4:
Opt to use a pressure washer. However, you should check with your siding manufacturer before you do.

If you want to purchase your vinyl siding cleaner, then consider the following options for the best results:

  • RMR-86 Vinyl Siding Cleaner: Gets rid of mold and mildew
  • Star Brite Stain Remover Vinyl Siding Cleaner: Great for many surfaces and will remove the mold and mildew
  • Mold Armor Vinyl Siding Cleaner: Gets rid of dirt in hard-to-reach areas
  • Home Armor Vinyl Siding Cleaner: Designed for removing mildew, mold, and algae stains
  • Simple Green Pro HD Vinyl Siding Cleaner: Heavy-duty and great for vinyl siding

A simple solution of dish soap and warm water can work wonders as a siding wash, plus it will not wear away at the vinyl siding’s protective coating. Avoid using undiluted chlorine bleach, liquid grease remover, nail polish remover, or furniture cleaner on your vinyl siding, as it may cause damage to it. Also, using highly abrasive scrubbers or steel wool can also cause damage when cleaning vinyl siding. 

Tools to Consider Using

You will also want to gather the right vinyl siding cleaning tools and brushes before you dive in and start your project. One option is to use a soft cloth or an ordinary long-handled, soft bristle brush. You will want to opt for using the brush if your siding has a lot of grooves and textures.

Another idea is to use a pressure washer to clean your vinyl siding. You may be hesitant to use one on vinyl siding, but you should not count it out. It is quite easy to do using this tool and piece of equipment. However, keep in mind that some manufacturers advise against it and some recommend you use a small amount of pressure. Therefore, you should know what you are doing and proceed with a bit of caution.

Before you use the pressure washer on your siding, it is suggested that you take a quick walk around your house to make sure that the siding is all intact. Look for pieces of vinyl that have become loose or are breaking off. Check for cracks in the siding that water might penetrate and identify how the lengths of siding on long walls overlap.

Avoid driving water behind the siding by ensuring the stream is at eye level and not at an upward angle. Proceed with caution when using your pressure washer around windows, doors, and plumbing connections. Confirm your windows are shut and check to see that the caulking and glazing on those windows is in good condition so that you can avoid water from getting in.

As for brushes, your best choices are as follows:

You can check out the range of DocaZoo cleaning accessories available from Amazon by clicking here.

How to Clean Vinyl Siding

Ideally, you should start at the top of your home and work your way down when cleaning your vinyl siding. It is in your best interest to cover or protect any stone or brick that you have at the bottom of your structure so you can protect it from the cleaning solution you are using. You will also want to protect any plants around the base of your home.

When you are ready, take your bristle brush or cloth and start wiping away the distinctive dirt from the vinyl. As you get further along with your cleaning, take your garden hose, and rinse away the dirt as you go. Then move to the lower section to begin the cleaning process over again. While it can be sort of a time-consuming process, it is the best way to clean your siding without causing any damage.

Finally, use a dry towel to wipe down residue on the inner and outer corners of the siding. Doing so will also help to absorb extra moisture in those sensitive areas that are more susceptible to water damage.

For tough spots like paint drips, tar, and pencil and pen marks, use a nonabrasive bathtub cleaner or nylon scrub pad. If you choose to use a solution that has bleach, then be sure to wear rubber gloves, long pants, and goggles. Whatever you do, do not mix bleach with a vinegar solution, as it can release poisonous chlorine gas.

Vinyl Siding Cleaning Tips

Always put your safety and that of others first when tackling house projects such as this kind. Wear comfortable clothing, closed-toe shoes, rubber gloves, and use goggles to protect your eyes. You might also consider wearing a face mask to protect yourself from inhaling any chemicals or cleaning solutions.

Clear the area and move any furniture or other belongings so they are out of the way and you do not trip or fall. If you need to use a ladder to get up high, then make sure you have someone available to hold it.

When you are ready, shut all your doors and windows so you avoid getting water or cleaning solutions in your home. You can protect your plants, pots, and landscaping by covering them with tarps. You can also water gardens around the perimeter to keep them well. Soaking the soil in the garden beds around the edge of your house will help to dilute any chemicals that are in the soap that you will use so that they are not absorbed as easily by plants. You are also going to want to think about your electrical and lights outdoors. Turn off, unplug, and cover lights and electrical units using duct tape and plastic sheets.

Another tip to consider is the weather and time of day you are choosing to clean your vinyl siding. Experts recommend working on a cloudy day, so the sun does not dry certain spots too quickly or unevenly.

Cleaning the siding by hand can take time. You may want to enlist help from your spouse or friends, so it goes quicker, and you get more done in a shorter time frame.

Vinyl siding should be pressure washed about once a year. If you notice the siding looks visibly clean and does not have any mould or mildew, grime, or debris on it, then you can think about pressure washing it once every two years.

Maintaining Vinyl Siding

In addition to cleaning your vinyl siding, there are other maintenance tips you should know. For instance, you can protect it from discoloration by covering your siding when you are using stains, sealants, and wet concrete as part of other home renovation projects.

Certain insecticides or herbicides can potentially stain the vinyl siding. When green discoloration or staining appears, mould might be responsible. Water dripping onto the area typically causes green mould on your siding. You may have an issue with your gutters or a leaky drainpipe.

Vinyl siding does not do well under extreme heat and it can cause problems. Keep heat sources such as your grill, and readily ignitable materials such as dry leaves, mulch, and trash away from the structure to avoid any unwanted circumstances.

The heat from reflected light may also cause wear and tear over the years. Therefore, you may want to consider the strategic placement of trees, bushes, or other landscaping elements and the use of sunshades above windows to better protect them.

You may also be curious if you can paint vinyl siding instead of clean it to make it look fresh and brand new. It is recommended that you consult with your vinyl siding manufacturer before you apply paint to it. Some manufacturers are known to void their warranties if the siding is painted.


You now know the best vinyl siding cleaners, tools, and tips so you can have a successful outcome when taking on this task. Your first order of business is completing your research and educating yourself as you just have.

Then you should get prepared by investing in what you need to get to begin working. Take your time and go slow so that you can remove all the dirt and grime and do not have to go over certain spots or start over again.

With a little time, effort, and dedication to doing the job right your vinyl siding will look brand new. You will also be extending the life of it and protecting your home from any trouble it may give you if you were to ignore this important task.

If you have a bucket, garden hose, and a soft-bristled brush or microfiber cloth, you will be all set and can get started right away. Be proud of yourself for taking on this project and sit back and enjoy how beautiful the exterior of your home and your vinyl siding looks when the task is complete. 

If you have any doubts about how to proceed or the safety required steps, we strongly recommend utilizing a professional cleaning service to do the job for you. A simple Google search will find the right professional to help you in your area.