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Top Toro Snow Blower Reviews

Reading the top Toro snow blower reviews can start to help you narrow down which of the products are good choices for your snow removal. This brief guide gives you more to think about, as well as some ideas about which products to look at.

Sizing The Blower You Need Is Where You Start

Sizing a blower isn’t really about the blower itself, but what you need to do with the blower.

The wider the blower the more it will be able to handle clearing wide and long areas, such as driveways. A wide blower isn’t a good choice for home walkways, stairs, and most patios.

One of the best ways to size your snow blower is to measure the width of the narrowest area you will be clearing. The depth of clearance refers to the snowfall amount.

Many people can get by with 10 inches or under, but some places in the Midwest and Northeast need a machine capable of clearing more than 20 inches.

Before You Think Price, Think Space

Usually, the advice is to think through how much you really have to spend on an outdoor power tool before you start reading any of the reviews. With snow blowers, you have to think first about the type of space you have to store the blower in.

Snowblowers have to be kept covered during the warm season to prevent moisture and heat from creating problems within the engine. Some snowblowers have folding handles and are designed to be space-saving, others are large enough to need their own garden shed.

3 Electric Toro Snow Blower Reviews You Should Read

While not the full reviews on these models, these are the units that you should take the time to find out more about. They are highly specialized and popular sellers. All of them have high star ratings and the full reviews cover the products in detail.

Toro 1800 Power Curve® Electric (18″) 15-Amp Snow Blower

Toro 38381 is one of the best-selling consumer-level snow blowers that Toro offers. It is all-electric, just wide enough to get patios, walkways and small driveways done, but it also has a fully collapsible handle so it stores easily in a small space.

It is also ideal for more urban homes as it is light enough and small enough to be stored in a hallway, entrances or basements. Make sure you read more about this unit if a smaller snowblower sounds like it will be more appropriate for you.

Toro Power Clear 721 R (21″) 212cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower

If you need a powerful snow blower that can handle depth and width then this is your top choice. A powerful 212cc gas-powered engine churns the auger and sends snow where you want it.

This is mostly for wider sidewalks and larger decks or patios. It is ideal for wide and long driveways too. One common comment is that this snowblower has no problem clearing what the snowplow leaves behind at the base of the driveway.

Toro Power Clear 621 QZR (21″) 163cc 4-Cycle Single Stage Snow Blower w/ Zip & Quick Shoot

A step down in size from the 721 R this is also a prosumer model that uses a single-stage blower. The zip and quick shoot is a unique feature that allows you to control the blower chute direction from the handle grips.

You can alter the angle as you go to make sure your snow is placed out of the way. This is a larger-sized unit with a lot of features that most of the Toro snow blower reviews for this unit will cover in depth.

Here is a direct link to Amazon to check Snow Removal Tools, Accessories, Attachment Parts, And More

Picking The Right Snow Blower For You

The best way to pick the best snow blower for you is to make a list of the features you want, the amount you can afford and how much space you have to store them before starting to read any of the Toro snow blower reviews.

If you match what the review outlines as features of the unit with your list, you can make sure you are getting the right snow blower and not just be getting caught up in the moment.

When you are thinking through how much you can afford, also consider the annual maintenance and any repairs common to the unit. You can find all of that information in the reviews as well.