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7 Unique Ideas to Make Your Apartment Look Spacious

Apartment look spacious

Apartments are equivalent to heaven because they soothe and comfort your tired body and soul. Whether you’re returning from your work or seminar, a party or an escape room gaming event, a long trip, or a simple family visit, you look forward to going back to the loving and warm embrace of your home.

The comfortable atmosphere where there’s nobody to judge you, the freedom to be yourself, and a place where you can just lie down and relax without worrying about anything at the end of the day, your apartment has its arms spread to always comfort you when you are tired.

But imagine you’re returning from your friend’s birthday party that all of you had celebrated at an escape room like a recreational center. And, dog-tired at the end, you are now looking forward to crashing on your bed and calling it a day. You hurry back to your apartment, and once the door is unlocked, your exhaustion escalates because the space makes you claustrophobic.

While it might not sound too alarming because you might be accustomed to living according to the arrangement set-up in your apartment, but the lack of space hits harder when you return from a long and exhausting event. What’s worse, it may make you feel unwelcome and strange at your own home. That’s something nobody would want to go through.

So, what could you do? Is it possible to make your apartment appear spacious despite the limited area? Yes, we can! It doesn’t require you to dive into the laws of physics and implement a 4-D concept. All it will take is a few additions, some removal, a bit of arrangement, and you’re done. Your home and the rooms will appear open and airy, commodious, light, and comfortable, and free of junk. And that’s enough to give your house a stylish and modernized appearance. So let us look at the 7-unique ideas to make your apartment look spacious:

Implement Light Colours For Giving Depth To The Rooms

The fact behind color combinations lies in its selection. Often the medium and mixed colors of both light and dark create a shading that gives a room the aura of being densely packed and smaller.

Compared to this, the light colorings or the dark shades create the illusion of the rooms being more in dimensions and radiate the feeling of aeration and coziness. To get the best out of your apartment, use either the light hues or completely dark and soft colors for spaciousness and a cozy preview.  

Make More Use Of Multi-functional And Hidden Storage Cabinets

When things are spread out in your apartment, they make your rooms appear messy and devoid of proper spacing. In such situations, it is always suitable to use multi-functional furniture and hidden storage cabinets to hide away these smaller objects. 

You can use a fully-covered cabinet in your kitchen for storing the spices, food jars, and crockeries in their different layers. Similarly, papers and other small accessories can be kept away in a storage-equipped TV stand to prevent them from using more space in your apartment.  

Use A Few And Large Pieces Of Furniture Instead Of Many Small Ones

When it comes to furnishings, few and larger accessories are suitable choices when you’re planning to give your rooms the illusion of being capacious and bigger. When you add too many small decorative items, it usually makes your house appear cluttered and lagging the ability to be cozy. So, try to limit your interior scheme to a group of necessary furniture and use proper design symmetry to arrange them suitably for adding depth and space to your apartment.  

Add Large-scale Paintings Or Sculpture Art

You shouldn’t let your small room with a limited space kill your desire to display wall decors or any artistic creation. But to avoid strewing your rooms with miniature art pieces, use large-scale paintings or stand-in sculptures to prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed in any corners and areas. 

If you wish to display your figurine collection or a photo gallery, restrict them to one stand table or wall, respectively. Or you can even leave your walls empty and paint them with soft and contrasting color designs to give the feeling of both spaciousness and style.  

Use Runners And Carpet To Signify Space

Carpets and Rugs are the best addition in any house because they add the perfect look of finishing and classy charm to the empty floors. And they also make your rooms and apartment appear more open and expansive due to their ability to hide away the floor and give the illusion of a square area around your home space.   

Keep Unique And Beautiful Ceiling Light Fixtures

When the rooms in your apartment appear to have more height, they will automatically reflect the impression of being more spacious. By adding unique designed ceiling light fixtures, the top of the rooms attracts more eyes towards them and add to the feeling of the surrounding area to be commodious and larger. 

And the chandeliers and suspended light lamps also radiate off the energy of magnificence and luxury that further beautify your home. So, they are a great addition for bringing both roominess and splendor to your residence. 

Don’t Forget To Declutter Frequently

Do you know how it goes in our life, right, about letting go of stuff? You got to implement the same in your apartment for creating more space because to gain something; you need to lose something. While we are all emotionally attached to objects, it is better to let go of them when they have served their purpose and are now eating up room in your house. 

Thus, frequently declutter your cabinets, table stands, and rooms at regular intervals to get rid of unwanted items. It will eliminate the feeling of your apartment being over brimmed with adornments and make even small spaces appear large and lighter. 


Spacious apartments have several advantages. You do not have to worry about creating extra space and rearranging your furnishings every time before hosting any get-together. Your home will have more room for fresh air and sunlight and will make you feel relaxed and refreshed throughout the day, and people will compliment you for your creativity in interior designing your rooms. 

It depends on your imagination and resourcefulness. You can utilize your best ideas and add more factors to aid in creating space and airiness in your apartment. So go ahead and utilize any of the above ideas from our side and add your best innovations to make any room in your residence appear large and roomy.  

Author Bio: Sophia Scott is a content creator at escape room. She is an enthusiastic young woman, mother to an amazing nine-year-old, and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world as well as her own self. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter. You can find her on LinkedIn.